Which of these is not a drama medium?
Physical theatre
In what type of theatre did all the actors wear masks?
Greek theatre
Restoration theatre
Which of these things should you not rely upon music to do?
Enhance a build-up of tension
Help to enhance mood or atmosphere
Help to make an uninteresting scene more exciting
What does proxemics mean?
The way the space is used to highlight relationships between characters onstage
The relationship between the actors and the audience
Using lots of levels in the drama
What can levels be used for?
To control volume and pace
To make work visually interesting, infer status and indicate different locations onstage
To make sure the stage looks full
What is a set?
A section of drama which is repeated
The scenery and furniture onstage
What the actors wear and carry
What are the items held by actors that make the action more realistic called?
What is the act of demonstrating an action with an imaginary object called?
What is gesture?
Another word for movement onstage
A comedy performer, like a clown
A defined movement which clearly communicates meaning
What is meant by a language register?
An accepted kind of speech used between characters, eg formal or informal
A list of all the lines spoken in a production, used if actors need a prompt
A list of words you shouldn't include in performance, such as swear words