Which of these is a personal quality required in the world of work?
Which of the following should you do to master your current job?
Don’t communicate with others.
Turn up late every day.
Deliver good work on time.
What does SMART stand for?
Specific, Moderate, Accurate, Relevant, Training.
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time.
Specific, Mentoring, Accelerate, Respondents, Training.
Who can you look to for guidance when planning your career?
Your headmaster.
A psychic.
A careers teacher.
On-the-job training is:
when you work for free in exchange for experience.
when a more experienced employee trains you.
when there is a gym in the office.
Which of the following is an example of a professional qualification?
Chartered accountancy qualifications by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Marsupial Care and Cleanliness Koalafication from the Institute for the Study of Zoology
Which of the following can support you when you are looking for professional development?
Invest NI
Learn Direct
Royal Mail