Using similarity test questions


Triangle A1B1C1 has been enlarged to give triangle ABC.

What is the scale factor of the enlargement?

Diagram of a small and large triangle equal in proportion


Triangle XYZ has been enlarged to give triangle X1Y1Z1.

What is the scale factor of the enlargement?

Diagram of a small and large triangle equal in proportion


Triangle ABC has been enlarged to give triangle A1B1C1.

What is the scale factor of the enlargement?

Diagram of a small and large triangle equal in proportion


For the pair of similar rectangles below, find the scale factor and calculate \(x\).

Diagram of two squares equal in proportion but with different values


For the pair of similar triangles below, find the scale factor and calculate \(x\).

Diagram of two triangles equal in proportion but with different values


Two fridge magnets are mathematically similar.

One magnet is 4cm long and the other is 10cm long.

The area of the smaller magnet is 18cm2.

Calculate the area of the larger magnet.


The Easypac Soup Company produces small cylindrical tins of radius 3cm, and similar large tins of radius 5cm.

If a small tin contains 243ml of soup, how much does a large tin contain?


Coffee is sold in regular cups and large cups.

The two cups are mathematically similar in shape.

The large cup is 21 cm high and holds 540 ml.

The regular cup is 14 cm high.

Calculate how many ml the regular cup holds.