[A frightened scream is heard from Johnny inside.]
Mrs. Boyle
Mother of God, what’s that?
[He rushes out again, his face pale, his lips twitching, his limbs trembling.]
Shut the door, shut the door, quick, for God’s sake! Great God, have mercy on me! Blessed Mother o’ God, shelter me, shelther your son!
Mrs. Boyle
[catching him in her arms]. What’s wrong with you? What ails you? Sit down, sit down, here, on the bed … there now … there now.
Johnny, Johnny, what ails you?
I seen him, I seen him … kneelin’ in front o’ the statue … merciful Jesus, have pity on me!
Mrs. Boyle
[to Boyle]. Get him a glass o’ whisky … quick, man, an’ don’t stand gawkin’.
[Boyle gets the whisky.]
Sit here, sit here, mother … between me an’ the door.
Mrs. Boyle
I’ll sit beside you as long as you like, only tell me what was it came across you at all?
[after taking some drink]. I seen him … I seen Robbie Tancred kneelin’ down before the statue … an’ the red light shinin’ on him … an’ when I went in … he turned an’ looked at me … an’ I seen the woun’s bleedin’ in his breast … Oh, why did he look at me like that? … it wasn’t my fault that he was done in … Mother o’ God, keep him away from me!
Mrs. Boyle
There, there, child, you’ve imagined it all. There was nothing’ there at all – it was the red light you seen, an’ the talk we had put all the rest into your head. Here, dhrink more o’ this – it’ll do you good … An’, now, stretch yourself down on the bed for a little. [To BOYLE] Go in, Jack, an’ show him it was only in his own head it was.
[making no move]. E-e-e-e-eh; it’s all nonsense; it was only a shadda he saw.
Mother o’ God, he made my heart lep!
It was simply due to an overwrought imagination – we all get that way at times.
Mrs. Boyle
There, dear, lie down in the bed, an’ I’ll put the quilt across you … e-e-e-eh, that’s it … you’ll be as right as the mail in a few minutes.
Mother, go into the room an’ see if the light’s lightin’ before the statue.
Act Two