To Kill a Mockingbird - Form, structure and language (CCEA) test questions - CCEA


Why did Harper Lee use the form of a novel in which to write To Kill A Mockingbird?


Writing To Kill A Mockingbird as a novel gave Harper Lee the opportunity to write in detail about her characters. What does this quote from Jem reveal about him?

I think I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in the house all this time... it’s because he wants to stay inside. (Jem to Scout)


How old is Scout when the novel begins?


Scout narrates events in chronological order. What does this mean?


Why does Tom Robinson’s trial take place halfway through the novel?


What change in Scout and Jem does the structure of the novel reveal?


Why does Scout begin to swear during the novel?


What does this quote reveal about Scout and her use of language?

Yeah Jem, but I won’t wanta study cows.


What is meant by the term personification?


What mood is created in the following quote from the chapter when Bob Ewell is attacking Scout and Jem?

From somewhere near by came scuffling, kicking sounds, sounds of shoes and flesh scraping dirt and roots.