Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha: Characters test questions - CCEA


Read the following extract.

Our names were all around Barrytown, on the roads and paths. You had to do it at night when they were all gone home, except the watchmen.

What is Paddy referring to here?


Paddy’s mother ties Sinbad’s hands to a chair to stop him from picking the scabs on his lips. Whose reckless behaviour has led to this?


Paddy could be described as...


What is Paddy talking about when he says, "I couldn’t stop it from starting"?


Mrs. Clarke is...


Read the following passage.

The butter was hard. I’d seen my ma doing it, scraping the top with the knife. I couldn’t do it though. I just put pats of butter in each corner of the bread. There was nothing in the fridge to put in the sandwiches, not that I could see, except cheese, and I hated that. So I just made bread sandwiches. I made Sinbad’s as well, just in case Da checked.

What is Paddy describing here?


Who says this to whom, “I’ll swing you from one of the trees if you don’t sit down out of my light!”?


Who says this of whom, "I hated him … He cried. He wet the bed. He got away with not eating his dinner. He had to wear specs with one black lens.”?


Read this extract.

There’d been another big fight, a loud one. They’d both run out of the house, him the front, her the back … We were in bed. The door rattled. The air downstairs settled back to normal.

- Did you hear that?

Sinbad didn’t answer. Maybe he hadn’t heard it. Maybe he could decide to hear and not hear things.

What might Doyle be suggesting about Sinbad here?