Dos veces al mes, mis padres me dan veinte euros. What do Pablo’s parents give him?
20 euros a week
20 euros, twice a month
20 euros, once a month
Compro unos tenis y videojuegos. What does he spend his pocket money on?
Shoes and computer games
Shoes and music
Trainers and computer games
A veces ahorro para comprar algo más caro. What else does he do with his money?
Sometimes saves it for something more expensive
Sometimes saves it for Christmas
Sometimes spends all of it at once
Para ganar mi dinero tengo que ayudar en casa. What does he have to do to earn his money?
Help his gran
Help at home
Lavo los platos y arreglo mi dormitorio.What chores does he do?
The washing and the dishes
The ironing and the dishes
The dishes and tidies his room
También ahorro para mis vacaciones. What else does he save for?
A veces mis padres dicen que malgasto mi dinero porque compro comida rápida. Why do his parents think he sometimes wastes his money?
He buys fast food
He buys sweets
He buys things for his friends
Puedo ganar más dinero en el verano si trabajo en el jardín. What else can he do to earn extra money?
Work in the garden in the summer
Work in the garden in the spring
Work in the garden in the winter
Mi abuela me da diez euros al mes si lavo su coche. What does he do to earn money from his gran?
Washes her clothes
Washes her car
Washes her dog
En general creo que gano bastante dinero para mis gastos. What is his final comment?
He doesn’t have enough money
He has enough money
He would like to earn more money.