"Rugadh is thogadh mo sheanmhair ann an Tiriodh." Where does Mark say his grandmother was born and brought up?
"Tha i ochdad 's a dhà bliadhna a dh'aois ach tha i a' coimhead fada nas òige." What age is his grandmother?
“Bidh i a' coiseachd dhan bhùth a h-uile latha oir is toigh leatha a bhith coinneachadh dhaoine." What does his grandmother do every day?
She walks to the shop.
She walks round the block.
She goes to see her friend.
"Bidh i a' coiseachd dhan bhùth a h-uile latha oir is toigh leatha a bhith coinneachadh dhaoine." Why does his grandmother do this every day?
She needs to get out of the house.
She likes meeting people.
She likes spending her pension.
"B' e craoladair a bha innte." What does Daniel write about his grandmother's job?
His grandmother was a broadcaster.
His grandmother was a dentist.
She was a doctor.
"Seo an latha a tha i a' coinneachadh ri a caraidean anns an talla choimhearsnachd." Why is today special for Mark's grandmother?
All her family meet together in the community hall.
It's the day she meets her friends in the community hall.
It's her birthday.
"Bidh biadh meadhan-latha aca agus bidh cuideigin a' tighinn a bhruidhinn riutha no a' sealltainn dhealbhan dhaibh." What happens on this day?
They visit somewhere new each time.
They play cards.
They have lunch and someone gives a talk or shows pictures.
"Tha cuideigin gu bhith a' bruidhinn air Hiort an-diugh agus a' sealltainn seann film mu Hiort dhaibh." What is the topic of today's event?
St Kilda
"Tha cuimhne aig mo sheanmhair nuair a dh'fhàg na Hiortaich an t-eilean aca ann an 1930." What does his grandmother remember happening in 1930?
Perth was recognised as a city.
Harris got its own ferry.
The St Kildans left their island.
"Cha robh i ach beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh'aois aig an àm." How old was Mark's grandmother at the time?
Only a few months old.
Only a few years of age.
She was in primary school.