Kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy test questions - CCEA


Which of the following has kinetic energy?


Which of the following has gravitational potential energy?


What is the unit of gravitational potential energy?


A girl of mass 60 kg can sprint at 8 m/s. What is her kinetic energy?


A car of mass 1500 kg, travelling at a steady speed, has a kinetic energy of 200 kJ. What is the speed of the car?


What is the gravitational potential energy stored in a 60 kg boy sitting at the top of a 2 m high slide? (g = 10 N/kg)?


A 2 kg mass has a potential energy of 580 J. What height is the mass above the ground? (g = 10 N/kg)


A car travelling along a straight road has kinetic energy of 180 kJ. The brakes are applied, and it is brought to rest over a distance of 60 m. What is the average force of the car breaks?


A ball of mass 500 g is dropped from rest from a height of 7 m. What is its speed as it reaches the ground? (g = 10 N/kg)


A mass of 40 kg and a mass of 80 kg are dropped from rest, from the same height. If air resistance is ignored, which would hit the ground first?