What activity is not an example of diversification?
Dairy farming
Holiday cottages
What is a disadvantage of using farm machinery?
Fresher crops
Workers unemployed
Increased profit
What is set-aside land?
Land that cannot be used by farmers
Land that cannot be used by farmers to grow crops on
Land that is used by farmers to grow crops on
What do Environmental Stewardship Schemes pay farmers to do?
Plant trees
Remove trees
Drain wetlands
What changes have occurred in the rural landscape in developed countries, like the UK?
More hedgerows
Smaller fields
Fewer farm workers cottages
What is subsistence farming?
Farming for survival
Farming for profit
Farming for biofuels
What is a disadvantage of using fertilisers?
More crops can be grown
New jobs and industries created
Water pollution
What is a disadvantage of using HYV seeds?
More crops are grown
Costly irrigation
Famine reduced
What is an advantage of using biofuels?
More air pollution
Trees do not have to be cut down
More expensive than fossil fuels
What changes have not occurred in the rural landscape in India?
Land consolidated
Roads and railways built
Fields made smaller