Reaction rates test questions


Which of the following factors will not speed up a chemical reaction?


A pupil places 10g of potato into 1 mol/l hydrogen peroxide solution.

The potato has a biological catalyst inside it that breaks the hydrogen peroxide down to water and oxygen gas.

What term is used to describe a biological catalyst such as catalase?

A beaker of hydrogen peroxide solution, with a slice of potato weighing 10 grams in it.


A pupil places 10g of potato into 1 mol/l hydrogen peroxide solution.

The potato has a biological catalyst inside it that breaks the hydrogen peroxide down to water and oxygen gas.

The pupil counts 15 bubbles of oxygen given off every minute.

What could she do to the 10g of potato that would increase the number of bubbles per minute?

A beaker of hydrogen peroxide solution, with a slice of potato weighing 10 grams in it.


A pupil places 10g of potato into 1 mol/l hydrogen peroxide solution.

The potato has a biological catalyst inside it that breaks the hydrogen peroxide down to water and oxygen gas.

What would happen to the number of bubbles per minute if she used a less concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution instead of the original 1 mol/l?

A beaker of hydrogen peroxide solution, with a slice of potato weighing 10 grams in it.


A pupil places 10g of potato into 1 mol/l hydrogen peroxide solution at a temperature of 20°C.

The potato has a biological catalyst inside it that breaks the hydrogen peroxide down to water and oxygen gas.

What would happen to the number of bubbles if the temperature was increased to 30°C?

A beaker of hydrogen peroxide solution, with a slice of potato weighing 10 grams in it.


Which of the following reactions would be the fastest?


In which of the following reactions would hydrogen be produced the fastest?


What does a catalyst do?


A pupil monitors the rate of a reaction by measuring the volume of gas that is being produced every 15 seconds.

What will her units be when calculating the rate of reaction?


Which line on this rate graph shows the slowest reaction?

Graph of mass of product produced against time from start of reaction, with 3 lines plotted. They all start at zero and level off at the same mass of product produced. Line A has the highest gradient. Line C has the lowest. The gradient of line B is between those of A and C.