Forces, energy and power test questions


Four skiers, each of mass 80 kg are roped together and the first one falls into a crevasse. Assume the connecting rope is of negligible mass and there is no friction.

Skier falling down crevasse

What is the weight of the fallen skier?


Four skiers, each of mass 80 kg are roped together and the first one falls into a crevasse. Assume the connecting rope is of negligible mass and there is no friction.

Skier falling down crevasse

What is the force acting on all three others?


Four skiers, each of mass 80 kg are roped together and the first one falls into a crevasse. Assume the connecting rope is of negligible mass and there is no friction.

Skier falling down crevasse

What total mass must this force accelerate?


Four skiers, each of mass 80 kg are roped together and the first one falls into a crevasse. Assume the connecting rope is of negligible mass and there is no friction.

Skier falling down crevasse

What is the acceleration of the group?


A pickup of mass 1200 kg is parked on a slope.

A truck weighing 1,200 kg driving on a road uphill at a 10 degree angle.

What is the component of the weight acting parallel to the slope? This needs to be resisted by the friction of the tyres.


The lift in a department store has a mass of \(1500kg\) and is initially at rest. The lift accelerates downwards at \(1.8m{s^{ - 2}}\) for \(0.5s\). It then travels at a constant speed for \(8.5s\) before coming to rest uniformly in a time of \(0.5s\).

What is the unbalanced force acting on the lift as it accelerates downwards?


The lift in a department store has a mass of \(1500kg\) and is initially at rest. The lift accelerates downwards at \(1.8m{s^{ - 2}}\) for \(0.5s\). It then travels at a constant speed for \(8.5s\) before coming to rest uniformly in a time of \(0.5s\).

What is the unbalanced force acting on the lift as it travels down at a constant speed?


The lift in a department store has a mass of \(1500kg\) and is initially at rest. The lift accelerates downwards at \(1.8m{s^{ - 2}}\) for \(0.5s\). It then travels at a constant speed for \(8.5s\) before coming to rest uniformly in a time of \(0.5s\).

What is the unbalanced force acting on the lift as it is brought to rest?


A car of mass \(1100kg\) accelerates uniformly from rest to \(20m{s^{ - 1}}\) over a distance of \(133m\).

What is the kinetic energy of the car at the end of the journey?


A car of mass \(1100kg\) accelerates uniformly from rest to \(20m{s^{ - 1}}\) over a distance of \(133m\).

What is the resultant force on the car during the acceleration?