Select the correct translation of the following phrases.
“Bidh mi ag obair pàirt-ùine.”
I work part-time.
I don’t work part-time.
I work at weekends.
“Bidh mi ag obair gach Diciadain.”
I work every day.
I work every Wednesday.
I work every Wednesday morning.
“Bidh mi a’ freagairt na fòn.”
I work at reception.
I answer the phone.
I speak to customers.
“Cha bhi mi ag obair aig an deireadh sheachdain.”
I don’t have a job.
I work at the weekend.
I don’t work at the weekend.
“Bidh mi ag obair air a’ choimpiutair.”
I repair computers.
I work on the computer.
I can’t work computers.
“Bidh mi ag obair às dèidh na sgoile.”
I work after school.
“Tha mi ag obair làn-ùine.”
I work full-time.
I’m very busy at work.
“Tha mi ag iarraidh a dhol don oilthigh.”
I am at university.
I want to go to university.
I want to go to college.
“Bidh mi a’ tòiseachadh aig ceithir uairean feasgar.”
I start at 4pm.
I start at 5pm.
I finish at 5pm.
“Bidh mi a’ dol don cholaiste gach Diardaoin.”
I go to college on weekdays.
I go to college every Wednesday.
I go to college every Thursday.