Jane Eyre - Themes test questions - AQA

Read the extract from Jane Eyre and answer questions 1-4 below.

Reed pitied it; and he used to nurse it and notice it as if it had been his own: more, indeed, than he ever noticed his own at that age. He would try to make my children friendly to the little beggar: the darlings could not bear it, and he was angry with them when they showed their dislike. In his last illness, he had it brought continually to his bedside; and but an hour before he died, he bound me by vow to keep that creature. I would as soon have been charged with a pauper brat out of a workhouse: but he was weak, naturally weak.


How does Mrs Reed refer to Jane as a baby? What words does she use?


What does Mrs Reed's language suggest about her feelings towards Jane as a baby?


Which words in the passage show Mr Reed's feelings towards Jane?


Mrs Reed is jealous of Jane. Why is she jealous of Jane in this extract?

Read the following extract and answer questions 5-7 below.

My father had been a poor clergyman; that my mother had married him against the wishes of her friends, who considered the match beneath her; that my grandfather Reed was so irritated at her disobedience, he cut her off without a shilling; that after my mother and father had been married a year, the latter caught the typhus fever while visiting among the poor of a large manufacturing town where his curacy was situated, and where that disease was then prevalent: that my mother took the infection from him, and both died within a month of each other.


What does the quotation 'considered the match beneath her' mean?


What had Jane's mother done that had irritated her father, Jane's grandfather?


What does it mean when it says 'cut her off without a shilling?'

Read the following extract from Jane Eyre and answer questions 8-10 below.

It seemed I had found a brother: one I could be proud of, - one who I could love; and two sisters, whose qualities were such, that, when I knew them as mere strangers, they had inspired me with genuine affection and admiration.


Why is Jane excited about the prospect of having a family?


How does Jane feel when she discovers she has family?


How does this extract link in with the theme of personal discovery?