Which of the characters’ possibles is spotted in Norfolk?
Rodney’s possible is spotted in Norfolk
Tommy’s possible is spotted in Norfolk
Ruth’s possible is spotted in Norfolk
Why is it important to some of the students that they see their possibles?
It allows the students to see who they have been cloned from and helps give them a link to their true identity
It gives the students the opportunity to talk to their possibles
It gives the students the opportunity to meet other members of their possible's family
Who says, A bit of fun for you maybe, Tommy. You wouldn’t think so if it was your possible we’d been looking for, after realising that the potential spotting of her possible was a false alarm.
A bit of fun for you maybe, Tommy. You wouldn’t think so if it was your possible we’d been looking for,
Kathy says this line
Ruth says this line
Patricia C says this line
Why does each student at Hailsham value their collection so much?
Each student values their collection because it means they have something interesting to put in their bag
Each student values their collection because it means they can boast about the amount of objects they have managed to collect
Each student values their collection because it means they can display their items and personalise their private space. Therefore they can hint at their own individual identities
Why do the students feel it is important to have a recognisable artistic talent?
The students feel it is important to have a recognisable artistic talent because it adds individuality to their identity
The students feel it is important to have a recognisable artistic talent because it means that lots of other students will want to purchase their creative work in The Exchanges
The students feel it is important to have a recognisable artistic talent because it means they avoid being punished by the guardians if they produce creative work of a high standard
Which character spends a lot of time feeling nostalgic about their time in Hailsham School?
Which character says, I can remember us back in the Juniors, pleading with guardians to hold the next lesson in the pavilion instead of the usual room?
I can remember us back in the Juniors, pleading with guardians to hold the next lesson in the pavilion instead of the usual room
Why does Kathy say, There have been times over the years when I’ve tried to leave Hailsham behind; when I’ve told myself I shouldn’t look back so much. But then there came a point when I stopped resisting?
There have been times over the years when I’ve tried to leave Hailsham behind; when I’ve told myself I shouldn’t look back so much. But then there came a point when I stopped resisting
Kathy says this because she realises that everyone she cares for has died, therefore her memories are the only way of keeping them alive
Kathy says this because she enjoys her memories, so she feels she should not worry about reminiscing about the past
Kathy says this because thinking about the past helps her to pass the time when she is bored
Why are friendships so important to the students of Hailsham?
Because they enjoy spending time with people of their own age
Because they enjoy gossiping with their friends about other students
Because they do not have any family members to care for them
Why does Kathy seek out ex-Hailsham students to care for when she is a carer?
Kathy feels her past friendships with Hailsham students are of real importance and wants to remember her friends at all times. She therefore feels comfortable caring for past Hailsham students
Kathy feels that ex-Hailsham students are better than anyone else and only wants to look after donors who went to Hailsham School
Kathy wants to become Ruth’s carer so searches for ex-Hailsham students in the hope that she will eventually find Ruth and be able to care for her