Cailean tells us about his job.
"Bidh mi ag obair gach dàrna Disathairne.” What does Cailean say about when he works?
I work every Saturday.
I work every second Saturday.
I don’t work on a Saturday.
"Bidh uair agam airson lòn.” What does he tell us about his terms and conditions?
I have lunch at 1pm.
I have an hour for lunch.
I can take lunch whenever I want.
"Bidh mi a’ tòiseachadh beagan ro naoi uairean sa mhadainn.” When does Cailean start work?
I start at 9am.
I start shortly before 9am.
I start shortly after 9am.
"Bidh mi a’ dèanamh agallamhan.” What does Cailean tell us about his duties?
I do a variety of tasks.
I conduct interviews.
I am the boss.
"Tha an oifis air iomall a’ bhaile.” How does Cailean describe his office?
The office is in the town centre.
The office is on the outskirts of town.
The office is spacious.
"Cha robh mi ag iarraidh a dhol don oilthigh.” What does this mean?
I went to university.
I didn’t want to go to university.
I would still like to go to university.
"Tha na h-artagailean fiosrachail.” What word does Cailean use to describe the articles he reads?
"Feumaidh mi na h-artaigealan as fheàrr a thaghadh.” What does this mean?
I have to choose the best articles.
I have to read the best articles.
I have to write the best articles.
"Bidh mi a’ dèanamh chartùnaichean.” What does he say about the cartoons?
I produce cartoons.
I choose cartoons.
I like cartoons.
"Tha mi dìcheallach nam obair.” What does this mean?
I am bored of my job.
I am diligent in my job.
I am looking for a new job.