Je viens d'un petit village mais maintenant j'habite dans une ville moyenne.
Where does this person come from?
A small town but now lives in a village
A small village but now lives in a bigger one
A small village but now lives in an average size city
J'habite dans la banlieue d'une grande ville.
Where does this person live?
In the suburbs of a big city
In the centre of a big town
In a bunkhouse in town
Chez moi, il y a beaucoup de sites historiques mais aussi des bâtiments modernes.
What can be found in this town?
A lot of historic buildings but also some modern ones
Some modern buildings that replaced the historic ones
The same amount of historic buildings and modern buildings
Ma ville idéale ne doit pas avoir d'embouteillages et doit être moins polluée.
What would this person's ideal town be like?
It would be less littered and less polluted
There would not be traffic jams and it would be less polluted
There would be less crime and pollution
Which of the following is the odd one out?
Le vélo
Le train
Le métro
Je déteste les transports en commun. En particulier le métro. C'est bizarre d'aller sous la terre pour voyager.
Why does this person hate the subway?
It is crowded and strange
There are strange people and it is scary
It is strange to travel underground
J'aime la ville! C'est animée, il ya tout le temps quelque chose à faire.
Why is the city great?
It is lively and there is always something to do
There is always a lot of animation to see
A lot of the time it is animated
Le problème en ville, c'est que on a le temps de rien faire. On passe tout son temps dans les transports en commun.
What is the problem in town?
It is expensive
It is dangerous
It is time consuming
En ville, il ya beaucoup à faire pour les jeunes mais ça coûte cher.
There is loads to do in town, but there is a problem. What is it?
Ce qui me gêne en ville ce sont les voitures.
What is this person's opinion about cars in town?
It is ok
It troubles him/her
It is great
À l'avenir, j'aimerais habiter à l'étranger.
Complete the sentence.
This person would...
Like to live with a stranger
Like to live abroad
Like to live in a strange place