Nitrogen cycle test questions


What molecules do plants produce using nitrogen?


In which form is nitrogen taken up by non-legume plants?


In which form do animals gain nitrogen?


The diagram below shows part of the nitrogen cycle.

Which of the numbered stages involve bacteria?

Full nitrogen cycle of a cow with labels 1-7,  Label 1 is between nitrogen in plants and nitrogen in animals. Label 2 is between nitrogen in animals and nitrogen in dead bodies and wastes. Label 3 is between nitrogen in dead bodies and wasters and nitrogen in ammoniun compounds in soil. Label 4 is between nitrogen in ammonium compounds in soil and nitrogen in nitrates in soil. Label 5 is between nitrogen in nitrates in soil and nitrogen in plants.  Label 6 is between nitrogen in nitrates in soil and nitrogen in air. Label 6 is also between nitrogen in air and nitrogen in nitrates in soil.


The diagram below shows part of the nitrogen cycle.

Which stage is decomposition?

Full nitrogen cycle of a cow with labels 1-7,  Label 1 is between nitrogen in plants and nitrogen in animals. Label 2 is between nitrogen in animals and nitrogen in dead bodies and wastes. Label 3 is between nitrogen in dead bodies and wasters and nitrogen in ammoniun compounds in soil. Label 4 is between nitrogen in ammonium compounds in soil and nitrogen in nitrates in soil. Label 5 is between nitrogen in nitrates in soil and nitrogen in plants.  Label 6 is between nitrogen in nitrates in soil and nitrogen in air. Label 6 is also between nitrogen in air and nitrogen in nitrates in soil.


Which reaction shown below is carried out by denitrifying bacteria?


Which group of bacteria use nitrogen gas from the air to produce their own nitrate?


The diagram below shows part of the nitrogen cycle.

Which stage is nitrification?

Dead cow, with labels A-C.  Label A is between nitrogen gas in air and nitrogen in ammonium compounds in soil. Label B is between nitrogen in ammonium compounds in soil and nitrogen in nitrates in soil. Label C is between nitrogen in nitrates in soil and nitrogen gas in air.


Which kind of organisms are decomposers?


Why do decomposers break down plant and animal waste products?