Select the correct translation for each of these common classroom phrases.
“Dùin an doras.”
Stop it
Close the door
“Thigibh a-steach.”
Come in
Sit down
Be quiet
“Fosgail an uinneag.”
Open the door
Open the window
“Bi sàmhach.”
Get on with your work
“Seas aig an doras.”
Stand at the door.
Stand by your chair.
Get on with your work.
“Bi modhail.”
"Thoiribh a-mach ur leabhraichean.”
Tidy up.
Get out your books.
“Cuir air an solas.”
Put off the light.
Open the window.
Put on the light.
“Cuir dhìot do sheacaid.”
Take off your jacket.
Get your books out.
Tidy up